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QuanVerge Inc

New Product: The Vortex Cell for EO Characterization


See how QuanVerge solutions will better your products

Success Driven by Experince In Innovation

With over 30 yearsof experience developing optimal deployments of this uniquely capable material in water treatment, advanced batteries and other applications. We are currently supporting multiple commercial and research programs including advanced gas diffusion electrodes for H2 generation, advanced batteries (Li-ion, LiS and RFB), water sterilization, cathodic protection, government funded water re-use program and PFAS/PFOA destruction for large international water engineering companies.

3 Decades of Successful Innovation, Licensing and Spin-offs is in Our DNA
  • We understand TRL, and how to de-risk

  • Focus on cost-effective scale up

  • We figured out which business models fit which opportunities

  • When to license, when to build and when to sell

  • How to differentiate real technology from vaporware

  • How to find and repurpose a proven process in one field to create value in another

  • When to remain lean and flexible and when to commoditize with large scale production processes

QuanVerge innovation
We Refined These to Deliver Exceptional Capability, Flexibility and Innovation
  • Integrated technology, design and engineering to progress an idea through to field tested and production ready 

  • Leveling the playing field for start-ups seeking to disrupt powerful incumbents - with innovative IP strategies

  • Anonymous market and new product evaluation

  • Innovative GTM strategies

go to market strategies
The Network We Built Along the Way is Our Skill Multiplier
  • Design and rapid prototyping, 

  • First of kind independent testing

  • Specialty electrodes, coatings, catalysts and other functional materials

  • Analytical and testing facilities

  • Access to established industrial partners, national laboratories and regulators

QuanVerge Inc Network



Electrodes and catalyst supports are the limiting factor in advanced batteries, fuel cells, green H2, water purification, biosensors, and many other fields.  Conventionally, the commercial options have existed at two extremes.  For high performance, long life and high current densities, platinum and other precious metal coated titanium is an expensive but proven option.  At the other cost extreme, carbon has proven effective, but comes with limited service life, risk of fire, and loss of catalyst,   

The esoteric nature of this field, has left it under-appreciated, under-developed and opportunity rich, with little successful innovation in many years.  Over the last several years electrically conductive and corrosion resistant ceramics such as "Magnéli Phase" sub-oxides of titanium (and other transition metals) and Perovskites with similar properties, have started to attract considerable attention as potential cost-effective alternatives.

However, research in these materials has largely been Isolated, sporadic,  uncoordinated and slow.


At QuanVerge Inc,  we recognized this opportunity and acquired and consolidated decades of R&D and >$30million of IP, and scale-up know-how, to deliver a new and holistic approach to this field.

Our starting point was Ti₄O₇ - first developed and commercialized by QV co-founder Robert Clarke at Ebonex Technologies Inc., in the mid 1980’s.  This electrically conductive and chemically inert ceramic is derived from abundant and low-cost titanium dioxide, modified to feature a graphite-like crystalline structure, known as "Magnéli Phase" materials.  Phase pure Ti₄O₇ delivers 4 times the conductivity of graphite but, unlike the latter, it is chemically inert, and stable in anodic oxidization.

Building on this foundation, we have developed a broad range of chemically inert and electrically conductive Magnéli Phase and Perovskite-like materials and coatings, which we deliver under our Ebonex® brand.


Meeting the urgent need for high performance electrodes and catalyst supports for advanced batteries, fuel cells, H2 generation, sensors and water purification


Electrochemical reduction/oxidation (RedOx) is the basis for all life, our energy and our materials. As we strive for sustainability, we need new electrochemical processes to power our devices, make clean fuels, synthesize new materials, and clean our water.
Our Ebonex® and EboNext® materials and coatings have been leading the way for for high performance electrodes and catalyst supports for advanced batteries, fuel cells, H2 generation, sensors and water purification, including PFAS destruction - for over 30 years. 


Our skill is in understanding how to take first of kind technologies from concept to product; how to manage project risk, where to find the force multipliers; and how to minimize start-up capital and resources.

These skills come from doing, learning and improving.

Skills not often found in conventional research centers.


Electrochemical reduction/oxidation (RedOx) is the basis for all life, our energy and our materials.
As we strive for sustainability, we need new electrochemical processes to power our devices, make clean fuels, synthesize new materials, and clean our water.
First of kind technologies are unique
Many of the great ideas, the scientific and technological breakthroughs that really transformed humanity, occurred outside of the mainstream academic fields. 
Tesla, the Wright brothers, and Sir Henry Royce didn't have a formal education in their chosen fields.  Pancini's discovery of the cholera bacillus, was ridiculed and ignored for several decades, because of the intellectual investment in the "miasma theory".
Interdisciplinary collaboration is the key but a challenge to get right

We work to create a common understanding between research fields - often the biggest challenge as fields and disciplines become ever more specialized.

We learned that advanced in one field of application are often unknown to problem owners in another. 


Many and probably most of our biggest success have been the application of a known and proven approach in one filed to a seemingly intractable problem in another.

Just because others tried and failed, that doesn't mean we should not try again.  New knowledge equals new possibilities.


We start from first principles, question every assumption and re-validate our models - knowing that advances in understanding can and will re-write everything we think we understand.


Leveraging our Ebonex® and EboNext® Portfolio of Proprietary Materials and Processes

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